Sunday 23 February 2014

Twenty-Seven Names- Design

This is a collection created by Rachel Easting and Analji Stewart, designers. They have a gallery style named/called Twenty-Seven Names, this collection has been inspired from the 19th century by the artist Edouard Manet. They have developed their idea using prints, colours, cuts and details. They say that it brings them up two words in mind; Impressive impressionism!

I liked this design because it's natural, reminds me of the Autumn season and although the pattern is all the same along with the background, the colour on the model is slightly lighter than the background.

This is another design I liked which has a different pattern from the first picture (above). The difference between the first design and this one is the size of the pattern. This design is more calm and lets you understand more what there is (it reminds me of my parents old pictures where they used to dress like this with the peace symbol and flourish design).While the picture above hurts your eyes because the pattern is quite small and need a bit of time to understand the printed pattern.

I chose to put this picture because I liked the chequered design, also because it came out more in the fashion especially on shirts. The dark colours reminded me of a military or of a school uniform.

- 2011.Twenty-Seven Names AW 2012. [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 February 2014]

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